Friday, August 8, 2014

keeping healthy: august's goal = self care.

i'm a pretty regular reader of the website greatist.

greatist is a health website, doling out some of the most intriguing, interesting information. it ranges from those just beginning their health journey or those who have been on the trip for a while.

i've found it very helpful ever since the balcony-incident. in fact, i discovered it when i was first struggling with fighting my eating disorder. its focus on health, not body image, was super beneficial.

anyway, i've been a little lax on my internet-reading (studying for the GRE and working on graduate school stuff, woo!), so i'm a little late to the party for august's health challenge. it's definitely one that i appreciate -- self care.

anyone who knows me, knows that i'm a huge advocate for self care. how else better to be an advocate than to practice it myself?

here's the month, goals for each day:

i'm a little late, but i'll go ahead and start with today's: list five things to be happy about right now. :)

right now, i'm happy about...

  1. my relationship with my little brother: as i type this, we're watching star trek together. he's matured into an open-minded, thoughtful, talented young man, and i'm happy to spend time with him. i can't wait to see what he's going to do with his talent... though i'd much rather him stay young as long as possible. 
  2. my good health: considering that one year ago, i could have died, i'm happy to have all of my limbs. considering that a few years ago i was surviving off 800 calories a day, i'm happy to be eating without caring about calorie counts and all of that rubbish. so i've got a lot to be thankful for, health-wise!
  3. the science of psychology: i've found one of my passions in psychology. since changing my major, i've gotten better grades and have enjoyed my studies much more. also, if it weren't for the study of psychology, i wouldn't have had a therapist to go to, and i wouldn't be so much happier now.
  4. free speech: if we didn't have free speech, well, i wouldn't be studying journalism without fear. and that would, frankly, suck.
  5. wine: it's good. that's all.
what are you happy about? :)

love and blessin's,
rachel <3

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