Sunday, July 27, 2014

doing it all: a 20-something take on refinery29's post.

i should start writing my articles sooner. i'm always rushing to deadline, and unfortunately, missing them more often than i want to admit. it makes me feel like a subpar journalist.

speaking of writing, i should write more poetry. i miss writing it, but it rarely spills out of my fingertips like it used to. i should start planning that book of poetry i've wanted to try publishing for years.

i should start planning for graduate school. i should start studying for the GRE. i should decide where i want to go to grad school. i should figure out what i want to do with my journalism major. i should apply to the journalism school at auburn so i can stop begging professors to put me in their classes.

i should decide what area of psychology i want to go into. eating disorders? mood disorders? children, adolescents or the elderly? personality disorders? family therapy?

i should get my own psychology in check. i can't be a therapist if i'm crazy, too.

i should take a shower. it's 2PM on a sunday. i have too much to do.

i should start studying for my exam. it's wednesday, but i need to make an A in this class. my gpa has too be as close to perfect as i can get it. remember those grad schools? oh wait, remember those articles? i need to write those, too.

i should start a beauty regime: take detox baths and give myself face masks and whiten my teeth and apply masks to my hair. i should probably start meditating, too. i used to, but then i quit. maybe i can get back into yoga. i should do that.

i should stop being so self-absorbed. no one wants to read a shit-rachel-needs-to-do list. but i'm going to keep typing; after all, maybe i can start actually posting to this blog now.

i should make this blog into what i want it to be.

i should start going to the gym again. i want to run a race before august 20th. i want to run something before the date of the balcony-incident. but, jesus, when was the last time i ran? maybe if i start now i can run a 5k.
i should start eating more at home. i eat out too much.

i should clean out my closet. i need to sell some stuff and be more frugal. i've heard that minimalism is a good lifestyle.

i should stop thinking about relationships. you know, i've read this article and it says that the less you care about something, the more likely you are to happen upon it. how insane!

but i should clean my apartment first. it's just gross.

but before that... i should write these articles. they're due tonight. maybe i should start writing them earlier?

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